Showing 13–24 of 24 results

NPP 100

NPP (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate) Overview: NPP, or Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, is a member of the 19-nor (19-nortestosterone) family of anabolic steroids. Recognized for its potential in promoting muscle growth and enhancing recovery, NPP is characterized by its shorter ester, leading to more frequent administration. Key Points: Anabolic-Androgenic Ratio: Characterized by a moderate anabolic impact and low androgenic effects. Muscle Growth and Recovery: Valued for promoting muscle growth and aiding in recovery. 19-Nor Family: Belongs to the 19-nor (19-nortestosterone) family of anabolic steroids. Short Ester: Features a phenylpropionate ester, requiring more frequent administration.


We present to you the PUMPATOR!!!!! PUMPATOR a new technology of pumping and growing any muscle of your choice this one has a specific formulation of glycols and testosterone designed to enhance and enlarge a target muscle instantly as you work it. You well notice your targeted muscles getting swollen right when you inject this baby. It wont just maintain its size but also has greater muscle building effects by limiting the levels of Myostatin, allowing increased muscle growth beyond genetic capability. 0.2ml to 0.5ml per target muscle once a week for quoted period will help you reach size goals that you have never imagined to achieve in a much shorter period of time.


Rampage, the Strength Engineer Edition, emerges as an enhanced and more potent iteration of Wrath, tailored for those pursuing unparalleled strength. Unleash the malevolence that Hell can conjure, steering opponents towards their demise! Conquer the platform and assert authority over the weights with unmatched strength, power, and aggression! Experience the intensified effects of Rampage, an upgraded version boasting higher Meta Tren dosing, meticulously crafted with a unique Torlabs blend of glycols as a carrier agent. This powerful pre-workout injectable, mirroring the character of the Strength Engineer—a known athlete celebrated for his aggression—retains the muscle development catalyst of Tren Suspension, the pure testosterone impact of Testosterone Suspension, and the ultra-potent, non-aromatizable androgen qualities of Meta Tren. Elevate your workout experience and redefine your limits.

Research Peptides
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Research peptides are synthetic substances created for scientific studies and laboratory research purposes. They are designed to mimic naturally occurring peptides, which are short chains of amino acids. These substances are not intended for human consumption or medical use but are employed in research settings to explore various biological processes, potential therapeutic effects, and interactions within the body. The pictures for those research peptide are to be added Title: Research Peptide Products Paragraph: “BPC-157 Overview: BPC-157, or Body Protective Compound-157, is a synthetic peptide derived from a portion of the body protection compound (BPC) found in human gastric juice. It is known for its regenerative properties and potential therapeutic effects on various tissues, including muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Key Points: Tissue Repair: BPC-157 is believed to promote healing and repair in injured or damaged tissues. Anti-Inflammatory: It exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, contributing to the reduction of inflammation. Gastrointestinal Benefits: Initially discovered in the stomach, BPC-157 may have protective effects on the gastrointestinal tract. TB-500 Overview: TB-500, or Thymosin Beta-4, is a naturally occurring peptide found in human cells. It plays a crucial role in cellular functions, wound healing, and tissue repair. TB-500 is known for its potential in promoting recovery and regeneration. Key Points: Cellular Regeneration: TB-500 aids in cellular regeneration and promotes the growth of new, healthy cells. Wound Healing: It is recognized for its ability to enhance wound healing and tissue repair. Anti-Inflammatory: TB-500 exhibits anti-inflammatory effects, contributing to a balanced healing process. Both BPC-157 and TB-500 have drawn attention for their regenerative properties, but it's important to note that their use and effects should be approached cautiously and preferably under the guidance of a healthcare professional.”


The Shredder Injectable Clenbuterol with 5% Yohimbine (Helios) Overview: The Shredder (Helios), an injectable formulation combining clenbuterol and yohimbine, is recognized for its potential in fat loss and body recomposition. Clenbuterol is a beta-2 adrenergic agonist, while yohimbine is an alpha-2 adrenergic antagonist, working synergistically in this blend. Key Points: Fat Loss: Known for its potential in promoting fat loss and aiding in body recomposition. Beta-2 Adrenergic Agonist: Clenbuterol acts as a beta-2 adrenergic agonist, contributing to its effects. Alpha-2 Adrenergic Antagonist: Yohimbine acts as an alpha-2 adrenergic antagonist, complementing the blend. Injectable Format: Administered through injection, providing targeted delivery.


Superdrol (Injectable) Overview: Injectable Superdrol, also known as methasterone, offers an alternative delivery method to its oral counterpart. Recognized for its potent muscle-building effects, Superdrol (injectable) provides users with the convenience of injection administration. Key Points: Anabolic-Androgenic Ratio: Characterized by a high anabolic impact and a potent androgenic rating. Potent Muscle Building: Known for its potency in promoting significant muscle gains. Injectable Format: Administered through injection, providing an alternative delivery method. Designer Steroid: Marketed as a "designer steroid" and not intended for legitimate medicinal use.

Tbol IM

Tbol IM (Injectable Turinabol) Overview: Injectable Turinabol, or Tbol IM, provides an injectable alternative to its oral counterpart. Known for its ability to enhance athletic performance and promote quality muscle gains with minimal water retention, Tbol IM offers convenience in administration. Key Points: Anabolic-Androgenic Ratio: Characterized by a moderate anabolic impact and low androgenic effects. Athletic Performance: Valued for enhancing athletic performance and promoting quality muscle gains. Injectable Format: Administered through injection, providing an alternative delivery method. Minimal Water Retention: Exhibits characteristics favoring minimal water retention.

Test E

Testosterone Enanthate Overview: Testosterone enanthate, a longer-acting ester of testosterone, is part of the Testosterone derivative family. Known for its extended duration of action, testosterone enanthate is favored for less frequent administration. Key Points: Anabolic-Androgenic Ratio: Characterized by a high anabolic impact and a potent androgenic rating. Extended Duration: Boasts a longer half-life, typically around 7 to 10 days, allowing for less frequent injections. Versatile Use: Widely utilized in both bulking and cutting cycles, often forming the foundation of steroid regimens. Estrogenic Effects: Exhibits moderate estrogenic activity, necessitating attention to potential side effects.

Test Prop

Testosterone Propionate Overview: Testosterone propionate is a short-acting ester of testosterone, belonging to the class of Testosterone derivatives. It is recognized for its rapid onset of action, making it suitable for short-term cycles. Key Points: Anabolic-Androgenic Ratio: Characterized by a high anabolic impact and a potent androgenic rating. Rapid Action: Known for its fast-acting nature, leading to more frequent administration. Commonly Stacked: Often used in cutting and bulking cycles, frequently stacked with other steroids. Estrogenic Effects: Exhibits moderate estrogenic activity, requiring the management of potential side effects.

winnie 50

Stanazol 50 Overview: Stanazol 50, commonly known as Winstrol, is an oral anabolic steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Recognized for its potential to enhance strength and lean muscle mass, Stanazol 50 has an anabolic-androgenic ratio that favors anabolic effects. Key Points: Anabolic-Androgenic Ratio: Characterized by a moderate anabolic impact and a lower androgenic rating. Strength and Lean Mass: Valued for promoting increases in strength and lean muscle mass. DHT Derivative: Originating from dihydrotestosterone, Stanazol 50 shares structural elements with DHT. Oral Administration: Typically administered orally, Stanazol 50 provides convenience in its delivery


Unleash all the evil that Hell can conjure, all the wickedness that mankind can produce, The Wrath will make you take your opponents to their doom!! Dominate the platform and own the weights with unparalleled strength, power and aggression!