Showing 1–12 of 23 results

Anadrol 25

Anadrol IM (Injectable) Overview: Anadrol IM, an injectable form of oxymetholone, offers an alternative to its oral counterpart. Recognized for its potent anabolic effects, oxymetholone is known for promoting significant muscle gains and strength increases. Key Points: Anabolic-Androgenic Ratio: Characterized by a high anabolic impact and a potent androgenic rating. Muscle Gains and Strength: Valued for promoting substantial muscle gains and strength increases. Injectable Format: Administered through injection, providing an alternative delivery method. Oxymetholone Benefits: Derived from the oral version, known for its potent anabolic properties.

Anadrol 50

Anadrol IM (Injectable) Overview: Anadrol IM, an injectable form of oxymetholone, offers an alternative to its oral counterpart. Recognized for its potent anabolic effects, oxymetholone is known for promoting significant muscle gains and strength increases. Key Points: Anabolic-Androgenic Ratio: Characterized by a high anabolic impact and a potent androgenic rating. Muscle Gains and Strength: Valued for promoting substantial muscle gains and strength increases. Injectable Format: Administered through injection, providing an alternative delivery method. Oxymetholone Benefits: Derived from the oral version, known for its potent anabolic properties.


Boldenone Undecylenate Overview: Boldenone undecylenate, commonly referred to as Equipoise, is an anabolic steroid with similarities to testosterone. Recognized for its potential in promoting lean muscle mass, Boldenone undecylenate is characterized by a relatively long ester. Key Points: Anabolic-Androgenic Ratio: Characterized by a moderate anabolic impact and low androgenic effects. Lean Muscle Gains: Valued for promoting quality lean muscle mass with minimal water retention. Versatile Use: Suitable for both bulking and cutting cycles, often utilized in combination with other compounds. Long Ester: Features an undecylenate ester, leading to a longer half-life and less frequent injections. Individuals considering the use of these compounds should do so under professional guidance and adhere to responsible administration practices.

Dbol 25

Dbol IM (Methandrostanolone Injectable) Overview: Dbol IM, or injectable methandrostanolone, is an alternative delivery form of the well-known oral anabolic steroid Dianabol. Renowned for its potential to rapidly increase muscle mass and strength, Dbol IM offers users the convenience of injection administration. Key Points: Anabolic-Androgenic Ratio: Characterized by a high anabolic impact and a potent androgenic rating. Rapid Muscle Growth: Known for its ability to promote rapid increases in muscle mass and strength. Injectable Format: Administered through injection, providing an alternative delivery method. Dianabol Derivative: Derived from Dianabol, a widely recognized oral anabolic steroid

Dbol 50

Dbol IM (Methandrostanolone Injectable) Overview: Dbol IM, or injectable methandrostanolone, is an alternative delivery form of the well-known oral anabolic steroid Dianabol. Renowned for its potential to rapidly increase muscle mass and strength, Dbol IM offers users the convenience of injection administration. Key Points: Anabolic-Androgenic Ratio: Characterized by a high anabolic impact and a potent androgenic rating. Rapid Muscle Growth: Known for its ability to promote rapid increases in muscle mass and strength. Injectable Format: Administered through injection, providing an alternative delivery method. Dianabol Derivative: Derived from Dianabol, a widely recognized oral anabolic steroid


Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca) Overview: Nandrolone decanoate, commonly known as Deca, is a member of the 19-nor (19-nortestosterone) family. Recognized for its strong anabolic properties and potential joint support, Deca is characterized by its long ester, requiring less frequent administration. Key Points: Anabolic-Androgenic Ratio: Characterized by a moderate anabolic impact and low androgenic effects. Joint Support: Known for potential benefits in joint health, making it a favorable choice for some athletes. 19-Nor Family: Belongs to the 19-nor (19-nortestosterone) family of anabolic steroids. Extended Duration: Features a decanoate ester, resulting in a longer half-life and less frequent injections.


DHB, or dihydroboldenone, is a unique androgen with structural similarities to boldenone. Recognized for its potential in promoting quality muscle gains with minimal estrogenic effects, DHB offers an alternative to traditional anabolic steroids. Key Points: Anabolic-Androgenic Ratio: Characterized by a moderate anabolic impact and low androgenic effects. Quality Muscle Gains: Valued for promoting lean and quality muscle gains. Structural Similarities: Shares structural elements with boldenone, providing unique characteristics. Potential for Low Estrogenic Effects: Known for minimal estrogenic activity, reducing the risk of related side effects.


I-RECOVERED is a cutting-edge supplement engineered to revolutionize muscle recovery and enhance the body’s anabolic response during training. Crafted with a potent blend of scientifically-backed ingredients, this formula takes the lead in sports nutrition, providing athletes and fitness enthusiasts with a powerful ally for peak performance. It strategically expedites muscle recovery, minimizing downtime between intense training sessions. Notably, I-RECOVERED incorporates the complete range of 11 essential amino acids and three vital vitamin B's, delivering a holistic approach to support optimal recovery and elevate your performance journey.

Masteron E


Masteron Enanthate Overview: Masteron enanthate, an extended-release derivative of drostanolone, belongs to the family of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derivatives. DHT derivatives share common structural elements with testosterone but undergo modification to enhance specific traits.

Key Points: Anabolic-Androgenic Ratio: Characterized by a high androgenic rating (approx. 40) and a moderate anabolic impact (approx. 25). Aesthetic Enhancement: Favored for sculpting a hard, defined look with minimal water retention. Estrogenic Effects: Exhibits low estrogenic activity, contributing to a dry and lean appearance. Family Classification: Part of the Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derivative family, sharing structural elements with testosterone but tailored for specific characteristics. Longer Duration: With its enanthate ester, masteron enanthate boasts a longer half-life, typically around 8 to 10 days. This characteristic reduces the frequency of required injections. Commonly Stacked: Often incorporated into cutting cycles and synergistically stacked with other steroids. Individuals considering the utilization of masteron enanthate should exercise awareness of its distinctive characteristics and administer it responsibly under professional guidance.

Masteron P

Masteron Propionate Overview: Masteron propionate, a short-acting variant of drostanolone, shares its origins in the Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derivative family. Featuring an anabolic-androgenic ratio of approximately 25:40, it is valued for its ability to enhance aesthetics by promoting a hard, lean physique with minimal water retention. Key Points: Anabolic-Androgenic Ratio: Characterized by a moderate anabolic impact (approx. 25) and a higher androgenic rating (approx. 40). Aesthetic Enhancement: Known for providing a defined, vascular appearance with reduced water retention. Estrogenic Effects: Exhibits low estrogenic activity, contributing to a dry and chiseled look. DHT Derivative: Part of the Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derivative family, sharing structural elements with testosterone but tailored for specific traits. Short Duration: With its propionate ester, masteron propionate has a shorter half-life, requiring more frequent administrations compared to its enanthate counterpart.


Mediphorm (Hyaluronic Acid in Bodybuilding) Overview: Mediphorm, harnessing the power of hyaluronic acid, represents a unique approach in the realm of bodybuilding. While not a traditional anabolic steroid, Mediphorm serves a distinctive purpose in the context of physique enhancement. Key Points: Non-Steroidal: Mediphorm is not an anabolic steroid but rather a product featuring hyaluronic acid. Site Enhancement: Valued for its role in site enhancement, contributing to localized muscle fullness and symmetry. Hyaluronic Acid: Utilizes hyaluronic acid, a substance known for its hydrating and plumping effects. Aesthetic Application: Typically employed for aesthetic purposes to enhance muscle appearance and symmetry. Injection Site Consideration: Requires careful consideration of injection sites and dosage to achieve desired outcomes.Individuals exploring the use of Mediphorm should approach it with awareness of its non-steroidal nature and consider its application within the context of aesthetic goals in bodybuilding. Professional advice is essential for responsible use.


Mutant Overview: Mutant, a stage-specific fast-ester formulation, is designed for rapid and dramatic muscle swelling. Engineered with precision, Mutant aims to amplify the size of the target muscle, delivering results within a remarkably short timeframe. Key Features: Fast Ester Formula: Mutant incorporates a fast-ester formula, ensuring swift onset and action. Stage-Specific Enhancement: Tailored for stage-specific use, Mutant is crafted to produce rapid and substantial muscle swelling. Size Doubling Effect: Users may experience a notable increase in the size of the target muscle, potentially doubling within a 24-hour period. Precision and Potency: Mutant exemplifies precision and potency in its formulation, providing a unique and intense muscle-enhancing experience. Mutant stands as a distinctive product, offering athletes a stage-specific solution for rapid and impressive muscle enlargement, setting it apart in the realm of performance supplements.